Matthew 5:43-44 (ESV) says, " You have heard it said, 'You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemies.' But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you."
God made you, and He made me. He also made that person, you know, the one you hate. Well, they are precious in His eyes, same as you and me are. They are special in God's eyes, and they should be in ours as well. As Jesus-Lovers, we need to strive to be like God--to look at the world as if we were looking through God's own eyes, to open our hearts as His is open, and even to use our hands as if they were His.
Remember that Jesus was not best friends with the priests or part of the "popular crowd". He hung out with the much-hated tax collectors, liars, and low-classed fishermen, or better known as the "unpopular crowd" of His day. If we are to be like Jesus, we have to be accepting and kind of those who are looked down upon by society. By doing what He did, Jesus showed them that they are loved and are special. By being their friends, He changed their hearts and introduced them to God's mighty love. These "low-class weirdos" became the twelve disciples of Jesus Christ! Even though He might not have agreed with the sinful things they were practicing, He accepted them and eventually they changed their sinful behaviors to be like Him and follow God. If we don't try to open our hardened hearts, how will the least of these ever come to know God? If not us, who will show them?
Please don't let me fool you into thinking that this spectacular notion is easy, by any means. Loving someone you don't like is hard. The people around you, your friends, well, they might not agree with you. They might think that you're weird when you say something nice to the strangest person in the class. They might not like that so much, that they stop being friends with you altogether or gossip about you behind your back. But hopefully there is that one true friend that you've known since, forever, that will join with you and stick with you when everyone else turns and runs. But those people, the ones that will dislike you for loving your enemies, their opinions don't matter. God's opinion does matter and He will be so proud of your willing and kind heart.
We, as Jesus-Lovers, need to show others God's amazing all-powerful love. Its our job, our purpose. So, go out there and be kind and loving to that irritating strange kid. They might just recognize Jesus's love in you and get to know Him more--because you showed them how great and accepting His love is. You don't have to do anything huge, like become their bestest friend in the entire world...no, just offering a kind, reassuring word will do. Maybe even invite them to sit at your lunch table. Sometimes, its those little random acts of kindness that make the most difference in the big picture.
Wow, Courtney! This was such a good post! I think this is definitely something EVERYONE needs to read because we all have people we dislike.
Thanks, Melissa:) I agree!!
ReplyDeleteHi Courtney Erin. This is a wonderful post, I definitely needed to read it! I am SO exited about you new blog, I heard about it on Girls for God. Keep up the good work :) -May
ReplyDeleteThank you so much, May! Spread the word to your friends for me:) Im glad you liked it. Girls-For-God is a VERY good blog, I read it too!