Contact Me

Do you have a question? Did you write something and want it published on MadeTooLove? Do you just want to talk?
 Email me at

Sharing Your Story..
Are you a singer? Are you a poet? Do you have a truly inspiring story that you are itching to share with the world? I'd love to hear it or interview you! Just shoot me an email at the provided link above and I'll see what I can do:)


  1. Brandi: Hey I was wondering if you let guests blog... I want to start my own blog but my parents say to try guest blogging first... Thanks !

  2. Hey Brandi! I understand. If you would like to send me a piece of your writing, I'd be glad to post it here! It can be an uplifting message or about fashion and beauty. But I'm pretty open to some new ideas. Just make sure that your writing glorifies God, and is appropriate for this blog. Thanks!

    P.S. You can send it to my email above^^^

  3. Hey Courtney Erin-do you have any advice for how to stop being racist?

  4. Hey Emma!!
    I'll certainly do my very best to answer your question. Give me a week or so to pray about your question and how to answer it. But for now, I think you should pray and pray and PRAY, for God to come into your heart and help you to see things through His eyes. Expect a post containing an answer in a week or two!!! (praying for you)

  5. Also Courtney Erin, do you think shorts have to come down to your fingertips to be modest?

  6. Oh sorry Courtney Erin, didn't see your previous comment. Thank you though!!
