Q: "How should a Christian act? What's okay, and what's not?"
For many people, being a Christian means rules, rules, and more rules. But I believe that being a Christian means more than just rules. Yes, some rules are needed, like the Ten Commandments and the various things that God teaches us in the Bible. But, I also believe that a Christian should not only follow God's commands, but have a strong relationship with Jesus--be a Jesus-Lover! Loving and following Christ is not just a religion. Its a real relationship.
Several months ago, I went to a revival for teens (a two-day camp pretty much), and the speaker told us that marriage is a lot like our relationship with Christ. Sounds crazy, right? But its actually not! When your married, is it right to cheat on your spouse? No, and its not okay to cheat on God with idols either.
Exodus 20:3 (ESV) says, "You shall have no other gods before me."
The reader that asked this question also asked if it was okay to listen to secular (non-Christian) music. I mentioned in a previous post that I mainly only listen to Jesus-Loving music, but I want to make this clear to you girls: You do not have to only listen to Jesus-Loving music to be a good Jesus-Lover. It just helps keep you away from all the perverted and evil topics that other types of music offers. It also makes you a stronger, more grounded Jesus-Lover. Its okay to listen to secular music sometimes, but try to make sure that the lyrics and the point of the song are headed in the right direction, not to Satan. If your not sure if its okay, imagine listening to that song with Jesus. Would He be absolutely shocked by the topic, or proud that His child is listening to clean music? I also want to make it clear that not all Jesus-music is slow, deep, and boring, like some of the hymns your great great (great) grandma listened to back in the day. It can be, but it can also be upbeat, Jesus-praising, and fun all at the same time! It can be country, pop, rap, soul, ANYTHING. Check out my favorite songs HERE.
The 3 most important traits of a Christian are these:
1. Asking forgiveness
2. Loving the unlovable
3. Being a catalyst
Asking for the forgiveness of your sins is a big deal. You're like, whatever, right? Well, why else do you think that your mother makes you apologize for pulling your little sister's hair (even though you think she totally deserved it)? Why do you think that she makes her say it was "okay" (she forgave you)? Because its important to admit when you are wrong. Its important to say you're sorry. Its important to ask for forgiveness. When Christ died on the cross, He forgave the whole entire world, every single person. Every one of the murderers, the cheaters, the liars, the prostitutes, the racist, the SINNERS. He even forgave you. He loves you that much! Nothing you could do, or say will make Him stop loving you. Even if you proclaimed to the world that you hated God, or didn't believe in God, He would still love you and die for you all over again. He will forgive you. Over, and over, and over again. Why? Because forgiveness is important, he looks for it in Jesus-Lovers.
Loving the unlovable... well, face it, its hard! But no one ever said that being a Jesus-Lover was easy. We were made to love--everyone. Whether they be black, white, or purple. Whether they are like us, hate us, or don't even know us. Whether they are homosexual or not. Even if they don't love Jesus, we have to love them! God commands us to.
Romans 14:1-3 (ESV) says, "As for the one who is weak in faith, welcome him, but not to quarrel over opinions. One person believes he may eat anything, while the weak person only eats vegetables. Let not the one who eats despise the one who abstains, and let not the one who abstains pass judgment on the one who eats, for the Lord has welcomed him."
Romans 14:13(ESV) says, " Therefore let us not pass judgment on one another any longer, but rather decide never to put a stumbling block or hindrance in the way of a brother."
Wow...It just got harder didn't it? To get you through it, use this reference:
Love the Person; Hate the Sin.
Last, but not least, be a catalyst. Hmm, that's a new word! {Catalyst (cat-uh-list) noun. one who makes changes for God} How awesome is that?! Be a person that makes changes, for God. Well, how do you do that? There are actually quite a few things you can do! For example, read your Bible when everybody else is reading the Twilight Saga. Pray before you eat, everywhere you go. Volunteer to read Bible stories to children on the weekend instead of going to the mall. All these small things that you change about the way you do things, makes you a catalyst. Even if its just sticking up for a friend, do it. Be different, for God.
All of these things contribute to being a Jesus-Lover. Try your absolute best, but remember that we are human and we do make mistakes. Always admit it when your wrong and ask for forgiveness. Try (seriously try, not just say you're trying) to love the most unlovable person (ever). And be a catalyst! Change, for God! I pray that you lovely ladies use this information to see a better picture of how a Jesus-Lover should act. And always remember, Jesus loves you!
Thank you