Tuesday, February 26, 2013

5 Ways To Make Someone's Day Better

While your going about your normal day, at home or school or anywhere, think about the people around you. Do you think they need some cheering up or a little boost in their day? Well, then you've found the perfect opportunity to make someone's day a little brighter! Here are a few tips how!

     If your best friend is feeling down, or your classmate is missing his/her pencil, here are five ways you might be able to help!

1) Tell them that Jesus loves them! Sometimes people just need to know that they are loved. Maybe they don't even know who Jesus is, and you can show them! He is the best relief there was, is, and ever will be. Share that with those who need it!

2) Buy them a drink! Its sure to surprise someone that you are willing to spend money on them for no reason. It'll shock them even more if you take the time out of your day to sit and have a soda with them, and show an interest in hearing about their day or whatever it is that's bothering them.

3) Save them a trip! Whether by carpooling or throwing away their trash for them, saving someone a trip is a kind, thoughtful gesture. If your eating lunch at church or school, your going to throw away your trash, ask your neighbor if you could take theirs as well. Or if your at a basketball game and your teammate is frantically looking for a phone to use to find a ride, just offer to drive them home!

4) Supply their needs! If someone forgot their pencil for math class, or if one of your friends needs somewhere to stay on the weekend while their parents are away, supply them with what it is they need if you know that you can. It can be advice, a hug, a pencil, or even a place to stay. Remember that your help does not stop at only your friends and family. God wants us to be generous and kind to everyone, even those people we think are weird or mean. If you can help someone, DO IT!

5) Simply give a compliment! Saying something nice or encouraging to someone can change their day, and also their mindset of themselves! Especially girls, who tend to have a lower self-esteem. Simply giving a compliment is the easiest, sweetest little kindness someone could do. It doesn't take much, and it makes a big difference. Try it, its sure to lift someone up!

     These are only a couple of so many things you can do to cheer somebody up. And, believe it or not, doing things for others will make your day better too! So, go out there and make someone's day a little brighter. They'll appreciate it and God will be delighted to see you spreading love and generosity to the people around you. I hope these tips gave you some ideas as to how to bring a little bit of sunshine into a person's cloudy day!

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