Let's face it. Admit it. We've all been a bench sitter at some point in our lives, and that doesn't mean just in sports. On any team, in any group activity, at any competition, and even in our own home or school, there has been a time when we have all sat back, checked out, and did nothing to contribute. After all, we were a bench warmer, right? That's all we're supposed to do... right?
Let me be the one to tell you, that's not right. Even when put on the bench, you are still a member of that team, a part of the activity. The only thing different between you on the bench and the players in the game, is that you have an alternative job. But, what could possibly be the oh-so important job of a lousy, good for nothing bench sitter?
Well, now that I've kept you in much suspense, the immensely crucial job of the bench-sitter is to support the team in whatever they are doing. I know this may sound insignificant and meaningless, but no one seems to understand the responsibility that the players on the sidelines actually hold.
Men (and some women!) who watch football are fantastic examples of what teammates on the bench should look like. First of all, they are sitting on their couch, or in the stands, not even in the game. They are bench-sitters. Yet, they are always on the edge of their seat, eyes and mind focused intently on the game, rooting for their team, offering tips and advice, and therefore they are a big part of the team and the end score, even though they didn't actually get on the field.
Girls, I am a bench sitter. And honestly, I love my obligation to my team. I give my best effort in practice, to make myself, and my team better at what we do. I may not get to play much or even at all in some of our games, but I realize that my job on the bench is just as equally important as the job the ones playing. Some girls may not see it the way I do, and would be quite upset. I showed up to every day of pre-season camp and conditioning, go to every practice I possibly can, and try to give my best foot forward. Yet, I still sit bench. For some, that'd probably be extremely aggravating.
What we have to accept here ladies, is that we have to be able to respect the job assigned to us. And even when we don't get to do exactly what we thought we should get to do, we have to trust in God that this is what He wanted you to be doing, whether it be being a starter, or sitting the bench.
Please, please, do not use the fact that you may sit bench sometimes as an excuse to quit, slack off, or bad-mouth your coaches decisions. Those things do not earn you a spot in the game, nor do they please God. If you want to see yourself play in games or participate in activities, continue to work as hard as you can, and push yourself to accomplish more than you maybe thought you could.
Pray about it. Tell God about how you feel and ask Him to help you appreciate your responsibility more. He loves you and cares about how you feel. I hope that this shed some light on something that is usually laughed upon. Take it with pride, ladies. Only a few competitors ever truly realize the importance of a good, encouraging, positive bench sitter. Be a leader, and do it in love.
Wishing you good luck & safe sports seasons!
P.S: What's your favorite sport?
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